Hokusai - Ehon Sumida Gawa - Prints 1-15 and 1-16

SumidaGawa1-16 SumidaGawa1-15
1-16 A crowd in
the main street of Hirokoji (continued)
1-15 A crowd in
the main street of Hirokoji (continued)

On the east bank of the Sumida river the display of the sheds for the boats of the shōgun continues. In the foreground, the crowds gather near a temporary theater where the troupe of Takeda Ōmi (竹田大海, as written on the vertical banner on the right of print 1-16) from Ōsaka (大阪) performs on a regular basis. His program is varied, such as a circus with robots or clock-wound puppets, and one with female acrobats as announced here. The blue banner with the white character 水 for water in the left print indicates that the stall is selling drinks.

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